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Celador Apartments: Celebrating 7 Years

Jul 22, 2022


We’re very excited to celebrate Celador Apartments’ Seventh Anniversary this summer, as this has been one of our best yet. The past seven years have been full of many highlights, whilst lessons have also been learned along the way.

To mark the occasion, some questions were posed to our Director, Andy, and here’s what he’s had to say:


What has been the biggest achievement of the company in the past 7 years?


It is difficult to identify one single achievement as there have been many:


  • Growing the business from 1 apartment to where it is today with 78 apartments.
  • Being recognised as SilverDoor’s Best New Partner at their Annual Partner Awards.
  • Not only surviving as a business through the pandemic, but actually thriving and expanding through it.



But I think the biggest achievement is in creating a sustainable business where I work on a daily basis with an amazing group of people.

Where do you see the company going in the next 7 years?


We are very ambitious, but I believe that our success has been achieved largely through dedication, exceptional customer service and our local knowledge. I am aware that this is so often compromised when a company expands too quickly, and so while we do want to grow, we will only do so as we have done in the past – that is organically, and in recruiting the right people who share our principles and outlook.


What’s the biggest thing you’ve learnt over the past 7 years?


To have any level of success you have to have an amazing team, which I am very fortunate to have.


How are you celebrating the anniversary?

We will be having a very well-earned party!!

What have you enjoyed the most over the past 7 years?

The satisfaction of knowing that we have created a working environment in which I believe every member of the team feels valued and genuinely loves what they are doing…..and of course the social events that we regularly have!!

When you started the company 7 years ago, what was your goal? And has that changed at all from where you are now?

As it was just myself it was simply to make a living, but over time this has changed to wanting to create something more sustainable with others. And in that respect, I feel I have succeeded, however the journey is far from over and I am very excited about where we can go with it from here.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone on our incredible team, who work so hard to deliver such high standards, and to all of our wonderful guests, without whom we would not be celebrating seven such wonderful years. Here’s to many more.

Ready to Stay with Celador Apartments?


Celador Apartments have been providing outstanding Serviced Apartments in Reading for the better part of ten years. To find out more, get in touch.


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